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Mother's Day Gift Ideas That Your Mother Will Like

Moms do so much for so many. I’d been a mom for a few years before I finally slowed down and actually thought about how much I was doing. I was astonished at how much I could do.

I’m the tech person, the plumber, the gardener, the teacher, the cook, the psychologist, the nurse, the veterinarian, the event planner and more.

Part of being a mom is gaining personal growth that comes from this new, multi-faceted role. You have to figure out how to be a mom, what sort of mom you are and how does that impact the sort of friend/spouse/daughter you are. I’ll save my analysis of motherhood and womanhood for another day. My goal here is to get you thinking of ways to honor your mom; to pamper your mom. This includes any mother figure in your life!

Aside from the obvious; flowers, candy and cards you have other options.

  1. Art. You don’t have to buy a masterpiece by a famous artist. Art doesn’t have to be huge or have a gilded frame. If you have a knack for photography, you can take nature shots or industrial shots. Mat and frame the pictures and voila you have a thoughtful gift for mom. Another option for art is a local or online artist.
  2. An event. Memories are priceless and don’t end up in a cupboard or on the donation pile. You and your mom can attend an event together or simply give her two tickets and she can invite whomever she wants. A book reading/signing is free, so money doesn’t have to be an issue.
  3. Let mom choose what she wants. It might be to sleep in, it might be that she doesn’t have to bother deciding what’s for dinner, it might be alone time (this is a big one, I’ve known plenty of moms who just sit in a parking lot longer than necessary so they can be alone with some quiet).
  4. Plants. Yes, I said, besides flowers, but I love plants and trees. You can go big with a sapling or make a little terrarium.
  5. A fancy tea pot or coffee maker. Often mom  won’t splurge on herself. This could be just what she’s been wanting, but telling herself she doesn’t need it.
  6. A tea gift box or a variety of coffees. Mom may be all set when it comes to brewing tea and coffee, but she likes to try new flavors and varieties of tea or coffee. You can package them in a beautiful way and some sets come in lovely boxes.
  7. Monthly Subscription. Whether it’s ArtSnacks  for your artistic mama or Birchbox for a beauty product junkie mom or Purple Carrot for vegan mamma. Just check the interwebs for a monthly box subscription to whatever interests your mother. You’ll find something. It’ll be the gift that keeps on giving because each month your mom will get another surprise package delivered to her.
  8. Concierge Services. Find a concierge service near your mom and get her a gift card! Many of these companies provide a wide variety of services (making appointments, running errands, house sitting, personal shopper and so much more!). If there’s no service in her area check with local dog walkers, landscapers, restaurants, etc and pre-pay for services. The local dog walker will gladly set up a payment plan or gift card to walk or wash mom’s dog. There’s likely a local caterer who would deliver meals or a grocery store that will drop off groceries. Give mom  break from some of these tasks for a bit.
  9. Spa Day. Whether it is a mani/pedi, a facial or full service spa day; your mom will enjoy some TLC.
  10. Jewelry, but of course! Choose something with meaning and well made. It feels so good to hear from someone that the necklace or earrings they bought from me were a huge hit with their mom and that she wears it every day.
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